Friday, 9 September 2011

the "k' book

 is an art project to create one experimental video art work.

   the "k' book is a videobook. Another addition to already a huge number of pieces written on 'the classic Kabir '.

    This project aims to narrate a non linear tale observing the relevance of Kabir's ideas, thoughts and teaching in contemporary times of ours. Drafting the effects and magic his words can create and analyzing what of his philosophy can provide our times.
   The project is ongoing and a first few pages of the book are ready. These pages contains traces of an art perfomance influenced by Kabir ideology. New expressions will be added to this book under the heading of this videobook representing Kabir in another way. Different works of art in varying ways will add a chapter or two to this compilation on a way of looking. Here different factors of this school of thougt and sects will all come under a scanner. The project is open to possibilities and will shape up accordingly with happenings around this theme and purpose.

    This video art piece is infact is a book written with mediums of art making or differing ways of expressing art and is not restricted with single tool for writting that is pen although pen is powerfull medium in itself but I am not good with it and also their exist a lot to whom entertainment reaches deeper then anything else and one has to realise the cause of these realities. With sufferings all around and no practical way out or a died out urge to rebel and attempting adapting to the system as a reality is death of humanity.

    This project is like filming a book and publishing a film
    Here videograhy will have a sybiotic relationship with print media and lets forget not it is the written words what stands as more stronger an evidence then even the truth itself. This experiment rely upon my personal understanding of Kabir. Kabir is a mutifacieted persona, a mystic poet,a philosopher, a revolutionery, a social reformer and a singer. This book is another addition to already available & long list of books written about him and his works.
     This art work should be taken as a tribute to this 15th century revolutionery. Who challenged social injustices and differeces created out of stiffling religious dictatorship. He questioned the then prominent power structures and challanged the authorities in their language, divine language of spirituality. The capacity of his words is immense as being a weavers son he did not learn to write or read but his songs, his statements and appeals, his criticism and argument left no space for others be it be anyone to escape or refuse but to face it on the head. His fluency and choice of words, his method of conveying meaning got him immense praise and popularity. Each of his poem has survived through the Folk Singing Traditions that have kept his words alive. So his words established him and it's not that he established words to establish himself, they are kept aloud because others liked them, his song spoke of them in most profound and actual way. His work sustained this long because all he has said is true even now as conditions for Folk Guys are still bad, a regular story of poverty, rurality, annonymity and myth of God and their stood Kabir to sympathise. Kabir had been very influencing on breaking the haziness mythology'tivity maintained to retain dependency on God and on those only who could communicate with him(& not her)on your behalf and could also bring you some favours in return of the gifts you get to the priest and offerings for the God supreme who for what reason gets pleased with miniscule of the elements he the creater himself has created somebody please explain me the logic of pleasing God. Anyways those who could not arrange these Gifts are thus now finely tuned to feel that how far they are from meeting God and make him listen to their misery and mutely consume that they diserve to have this miserable life as this is what you deserve as a punishment for the sins you have committed in the past life. Such a Psychological trap was what got targeted by the Kabir, the saint, a rebel.

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