Monday, 12 September 2011

Origin of the "k’ book

The ‘K’ Book begins with the story of “Kabir Chai Wala” (कबीर चाय वाला) Kabir the tea vendor, about his inspirations& background. It also contains a video-documentation of an art performance called “Kabir ki Chai” (कबीर की चाय) and tells what that camera eye saw which taped‘sugar cube words’ where both camera for live recording & 'sugar words' for being experimented were placed on Kabir tea trolley during the performance and the person writing this book (the "k' book) believe in the scope of this whole idea in focus:
‘share more & be wise like an open book’.

Making a videobook allowes me to play multiple roles shifting between an art-performer; conceptual character; writer & film maker where everyone of them showcases different approaches to the same focus and formulate an example available to both collective & individual readings towards bringing some change seeking a help from Kabir himself. This video-book is named The ‘K’Book because it contains all the K’s in it from searching many forms of Kabir the weaver-poet-saint who called himself Kabir Das (great servant) to kabir the chaiwala; a conceptual character performed during an art-performance called“Kabir ki Chai” again by me & moreover the author of this book now claims that he will finish the book as & when Kabir will wish it to finish. Some says that he is spotted sitting alone and talking to himself and that during an art opening in the city he was sharing what visions he is getting unknowingly leaving everyone to think that he need to see a doctor or what is the point in this. He simply deny all these charges put against him of mockery and fraud and maintains that he has received an order from Shankar Bhagwan that He is the one chosen to receive orders from Kabir and act accordingly as he is told that the World is getting filled with smoke of sins again and that very soon other Gods will also appear on earth. In the "k' book, King of Hearts & souls, Kabir’s work has been taken considering an efficient tool for carving brotherhood while discussing issues of deepest consent or need of the hour. Kabir being quoted for generation has still himself prevalent in both India& Pakistan where he is sung by folk singers, classical singers and Sufi’s.
Are you looking for me?

I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours.

You will not find me in the stupas,
not in Indian shrine rooms,

nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals:
not in masses, nor *kirtans,

not in legs winding around your own neck,
nor in eating nothing but vegetables.

When you really look for me, you will see me instantly
you will find me in the tiniest house of time.
Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God?

He is the breath inside the breath.

- Saint Kabir Das

मोको कहाँ ढूंढेरे बन्दे

मैं तोह तेरे पास में
न तीरथ में, न मूरत में

न एकांत निवास में
न मंदिर में, न मस्जिद में

न काबे कैलास में
में तोह तेरे पास में बन्दे

में तोह तेरे पास में
न में जप में, न में तप में

न में बारात उपास में
न में किरिया करम में रहता

नहीं जोग सन्यास में
नाहीं प्राण में नाहीं पिंड में

न ब्रह्माण्ड अकास में
न में प्रकुति प्रवर गुफा में

नहीं स्वसन की स्वांस में
खोजी होए तुरत मिल जाऊं

इक पल की तलास में
कहेत कबीर सुनो भाई साधो

में तोह हूँ विस्वास में

- संत कबीर दास

To me it is necessary to include the process which builds the enthusiasm for executing an idea to its functioning form considering the usual practical changes which occur to the work during that course. Also, without avoiding the fact of interrelation & co-existence of various factors that stimulate the sense of perception and choosing context amongst shifting realities.

What usually happens with presenting live art works, as I felt is that they may fail miserably to present the happenings at the real time & space? There is a scope for an error during the narration building by the presenter loosing the grip over the real picture of the situation at the scene of the performance. The documentation of my performance is instead done in format of a book as it seemed that the appearance of an open book & its design makes for a perfect background to accumulate two video screens and text allowing interplay of the text and moving image. Hence, it helps in serving the data least infected by all those external factors of false reading of the essence of work by the viewer & then spreading misunderstanding or by the film-maker’s helplessness in control over his favouritism and ego.It retains the idea of the artist to keep the whole expression of the work being open ended and to individual personal interpretation and conclusions. Henceforth, this video book manages to avoid imposed wisdom & knowledge retaining the sense of critique and revolt. Also, it is assessable to some qualities of both electronic and print media.

This fact, that Kabir was an illiterate and his works were printed later which I find very interesting & made me feel the need to comment and consider this phenomenon of us finding him through the books he never wrote but are written on him and around his works. So, the authority over his works is under question to some extent. In the case of Kabir the position of a book plays a defining role in conserving his identity and ideology and to some extent raises the doubt about the alterations in illustrating Kabir’s depth of approach to each of the subjects he dealt with.

Kabir with a disciple

Film: the "k' book



one of the key inspirations for this project
Sh. Prahlad Tipaniya & his troop
(malwi folk singer from Madhya Pradesh, India)

origin of the "k' book

about the art performance: "kabir ki Chai"

about the art performance:

"कबीर की चाय"

This work essentially generate performers transforming the space to a creative zone where words of saint-poet kabir are spread in the air. Kabir Dohas are two-line verses. In just two lines, Kabir is able to reveal Love, Philosophy, Mysticism and his unbending love for the Supreme.

Audio piece contains songs of kabir in the voice of folk (Malwi) singer from Madhya Pradesh (India), Sh. Prahalad Tipaniya. I see him as an inspiration for conceiving this work. I would also like to express gratitude to Kabir project (Bangalore) for reviving Kabir’s mystique poetry & Ms. Shabnam Virmani for her extensive work around Kabir in form of documentary film-making, holding on film premiers and publish text and audio releases to make sure many gets truly stirred.

Participants are attracted to this installation through a free cup of tea. Sugarless tea served on the other hand ensures interaction with the work by picking up a cube or more of sugar from the installation.

The installation structure is a paddled-rickshaw which can be taken to places by manual driving. It’s because of this and its quality of transforming its immediate surrounding and their inhabitants into performers & so is given the name ‘space charger ’to it.

When the viewer of this performance scene decides to take a tea-break , then it becomes obligatory for him to actively participate & become performer himself. This is kept as policy for attracting & inviting maximum possible participation then converting them into victim performers.

The sugar cubes are placed in a pattern that it becomes a sentence; a part from one of kabir’s doha:

ऐसी वाणी बोलिए, मन का आप खोये

अपना तन शीतल करे, औरन को सुख होए

Speak such words, sans ego's ploy
Body remains composed, giving the listener joy

Kabir, in this Doha (couplet) crystallizes the power of the spoken word. He teaches us to speak in such a manner that keeps us harmonious and composed thereby making the listener feel a sense of joy in the communication.
The work functions on various levels. One is obviously to promote Kabir’s ideology; linking him with popular; fashionable & taking him to consumer. Second is to check that these ‘words ‘should not be just heard, said & forgotten but gets absorbed in its full sense & done (by placing a live monitor). Another is by demonstrating that how does taking these Doha’s in part (words written with sugar) can be politicised for once own selfish greed’s & deeds & that becomes it critique & risk, which is true to knowledge as such.

Everything has been served here on this “space charger” & it is the individual who judges it, I have tried to not force any conclusions to the work & hence, this live art piece may conclude itself. Experiment yourself and rediscover the power of the spoken word




The Kabir project

TheKabir Festival

Shabnam Virmani
(film maker/director, The kabir project, Bangalore)

Prahald Tipaniya
(folk singer from Madhya pradesh)

For arrangements & support:

Artist friends & Family


Rakesh Ratan Nath

Debasish Mishra

Gautam Sahoo

Paribartan Mohanty

Richa Negi

Sujit Mallick

Sumit Sharma


Swarna Sagar

Sincere thanks to:

Construction labours at work in College of Art, Delhi for providing their paddled-rickshaw.

Sincere thanks to:

Inder Salim (India)/ Seiji Shimoda (Japan)/ College of Art, Delhi (India)


Friday, 9 September 2011

the "k' book

 is an art project to create one experimental video art work.

   the "k' book is a videobook. Another addition to already a huge number of pieces written on 'the classic Kabir '.

    This project aims to narrate a non linear tale observing the relevance of Kabir's ideas, thoughts and teaching in contemporary times of ours. Drafting the effects and magic his words can create and analyzing what of his philosophy can provide our times.
   The project is ongoing and a first few pages of the book are ready. These pages contains traces of an art perfomance influenced by Kabir ideology. New expressions will be added to this book under the heading of this videobook representing Kabir in another way. Different works of art in varying ways will add a chapter or two to this compilation on a way of looking. Here different factors of this school of thougt and sects will all come under a scanner. The project is open to possibilities and will shape up accordingly with happenings around this theme and purpose.

    This video art piece is infact is a book written with mediums of art making or differing ways of expressing art and is not restricted with single tool for writting that is pen although pen is powerfull medium in itself but I am not good with it and also their exist a lot to whom entertainment reaches deeper then anything else and one has to realise the cause of these realities. With sufferings all around and no practical way out or a died out urge to rebel and attempting adapting to the system as a reality is death of humanity.

    This project is like filming a book and publishing a film
    Here videograhy will have a sybiotic relationship with print media and lets forget not it is the written words what stands as more stronger an evidence then even the truth itself. This experiment rely upon my personal understanding of Kabir. Kabir is a mutifacieted persona, a mystic poet,a philosopher, a revolutionery, a social reformer and a singer. This book is another addition to already available & long list of books written about him and his works.
     This art work should be taken as a tribute to this 15th century revolutionery. Who challenged social injustices and differeces created out of stiffling religious dictatorship. He questioned the then prominent power structures and challanged the authorities in their language, divine language of spirituality. The capacity of his words is immense as being a weavers son he did not learn to write or read but his songs, his statements and appeals, his criticism and argument left no space for others be it be anyone to escape or refuse but to face it on the head. His fluency and choice of words, his method of conveying meaning got him immense praise and popularity. Each of his poem has survived through the Folk Singing Traditions that have kept his words alive. So his words established him and it's not that he established words to establish himself, they are kept aloud because others liked them, his song spoke of them in most profound and actual way. His work sustained this long because all he has said is true even now as conditions for Folk Guys are still bad, a regular story of poverty, rurality, annonymity and myth of God and their stood Kabir to sympathise. Kabir had been very influencing on breaking the haziness mythology'tivity maintained to retain dependency on God and on those only who could communicate with him(& not her)on your behalf and could also bring you some favours in return of the gifts you get to the priest and offerings for the God supreme who for what reason gets pleased with miniscule of the elements he the creater himself has created somebody please explain me the logic of pleasing God. Anyways those who could not arrange these Gifts are thus now finely tuned to feel that how far they are from meeting God and make him listen to their misery and mutely consume that they diserve to have this miserable life as this is what you deserve as a punishment for the sins you have committed in the past life. Such a Psychological trap was what got targeted by the Kabir, the saint, a rebel.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Writer’s take on kabir Chaiwala...

Writer’s take on kabir Chaiwala after a sudden encounter with him on the streets of Baroda

Story one:
Kabir Chai Wala
His New Found Love: “space charger”

Those who witnessed a free distribution of tea during an art performance in College of Art Delhi, wonders about the first public appearance of kabir chaiwala: A tea vendor & a fan of the great mystique poet of 15th century India, Kabir Das. In this space we are shedding some light on the man behind kabir chaiwala.
“Kabir ki chai” is a performance art piece where artist Pratik Sagar performed a conceptual character; A Chai Wala (tea vendor).
This chaiwala; whose name is also ‘kabir’ says after attending “the Kabir festival” in Baroda last year for three days had tripped him. “Attending this festival I felt as if I was called to the city by Kabir himself, to meet him”, he says. He watched documentary films & attended musical evenings. Everything was dedicated to the “Kabir”.
When I asked him to tell that magical moment, when did he get enlightened and he replied “I was completely taken by surprise when I heard & saw this folk singer Prahalad Tipaniya at the live concert right after a documentary film revolving around him & his Kabir”.
Chaiwala said he could not believe what he finally saw; “Kabir” out of a sudden, came out of the screen and started singing for him. “I was really touched” he says.

Following nights what happened had changed the fate of this poor tea vendor.
“I had a dream & received a message"! next morning, I found this trolley I was told about in the dream. He then shifted his tea shop to this paddled rickshaw & hurriedly arranged rest of the stuff he was told to assemble and install, he admits.

I asked him calmly “you fake, you act, and you say you got this stuff from kabir. Fine! but where do you get the money from for serving free tea, forget the rest”.
“Oh! well that comes from wisdom” he said with a smile.
On being questioned about his real reason for coming to Baroda? He replies swiftly,
“I was stunned to know about this chaiwala who becomes slumdog millionaire as he was affluent in spoken English. An English speaking Chaiwala isn’t that amazing”his eyes were twinkling.

“Like many others I came here to become rich & famous” he continued “but I never asked them to share their bread & butter with me”. Kabir looked sad. “I find this tea-culture in Baroda very interesting” I intervened, Chai ki laari (tea shop) is great place to simply hang around sipping “friendly on pocket”chai and getting social, a nice place to look from at “the public” being one amongst them & let them find us in them!” Be it anywhere else, he interrupted, “It is this social construct of gathering, only, which had helped me in conceiving & nurturing those influences to its present form. Tea shops are always excellent sites for sharing ideas & exchanging thoughts even better when you don’t have to pay for it, isn’t it so. “Mine is the best place to design & discuss revolutions”he argues “and to write poems about it, dream it, make up stories to turn them into realities” he ended up holding me up a cup of special chai, “Kabir ki chai”.
The trolley he had received; “Kabir tea trolley” is set on a paddled rickshaw& hence can be taken to places he says, proudly! “It is because of this, plus its ability to inspire its immediate surrounding that it has been honoured by the title of “space charger”.

“So how does it work, your space charger”? I asked.

This‘work’ essentially generates performers transforming the space to a creative zone where words of saint-poet kabir are spread in the air. Participants are attracted to this installation through a free cup of tea. Sugarless-tea served on the other hand ensures interaction with the work by picking up a cube or more of sugar from the installation. So as one decides to take a tea-break, then it becomes obligatory for him to actively participate & become performer himself.
This is kept as policy for attracting & inviting maximum possible participation& then converting them into hypnotised victimised performers.

The sugar cubes are placed in a pattern that it becomes a sentence; a part from one of Kabir’s Doha:
ऐसी वाणी बोलिए, मन का आपा खोये Speak such words, sans ego's ploy
अपना तन शीतल करे, औरन को सुख होए body remains composed, giving the listener joy

Kabir, in this Doha (couplet) crystallizes the power of the spoken word. He teaches us to speak in such a manner that keeps us harmonious and composed thereby making the listener feel a sense of joy in the communication.
Later, I received a note from him:
This work functions on various levels.
*One is obviously to promote Kabir’s ideology; linking him with popular; fashionable & taking him to consumer.
*Second is to check that these ‘words’should not be just heard, said & forgotten but gets absorbed in its full sense & done (by placing a live monitor).
*Another is by demonstrating that how does taking these Doha’s in part (words written with sugar) can be politicised for once own selfish greed’s & deeds & that becomes it critique & risk, which is true to knowledge as such.
*Background music that is Kabir song in the folk style of singing of Sh. Prahalad Tipanaya ensures that we do not lose the rhythm of right thought & find harmony from the chaos of rising questions. Everything has been served here on this “space charger” & it is the individual who judges it, I have tried to not force any conclusions to the work & hence, this live art piece may conclude itself. Experiment yourself and rediscover the power of the spoken word.
Kabir Chaiwala
(कबीर चाय वाला)


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